Pediatric Dental Emergencies
What to do in a dental emergency:
If your child has a toothache:
Clean the area of the affected tooth and rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm water. Try using dental floss to dislodge any food that may be impacted. If pain cannot be relieved using these methods pleased call our office.
If your child has cut or bitten their tongue, lip, or cheek:
Apply ice to injured areas to help control swelling. Apply firm but gentle pressure to any bleeding with a gauze or a clean cloth. If bleeding cannot be stopped by simple pressure, call your pediatrician, or visit the hospital emergency room.
If your child had knocked out or displaced permanent tooth:
Try to find the tooth. Avoid touching the root try to hold it by the crown or the top. Rinse the tooth with water only. DO NOT clean with soap, scrub or handle the tooth unnecessarily. Inspect the tooth for fractures. If it is sound, try to reinsert it in the socket. Have the child hold the tooth in place by biting on a piece of gauze. If it cannot be held in the socket transport the tooth in a container with the child’s saliva or milk. If your child is old enough, the tooth may also be carried their mouth between the cheek and gums. Your child should see the dentist as quickly as possible, time is a critical factor in saving the tooth.

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Fax: 617-232-8933